God Doesn’t Want Me To Worry


Midtown Park, Nov. 25th 2019


God does not want me to worry

Scripture reference: Matthew 6:25-34

Looking around at everything that I'm surrounded by, from the clouds in the sky to the butterfly on the pine tree, to all the beautiful trees and flowers around the field…..they all have one thing in common; they are still day and night and are nurtured by God. In the word, God compares us to these things and says…..26 “are you not much more valuable than they?” and as he clothes the grass and flowers...30 “will he not much more clothe you - you of little faith?”

If God so carefully tends to these things that are not alive, how much more us? The ones that he sent his son to die for, so that we may live in grace and have a relationship with him without condemnation. As we dive into the last few verses, we are prompted to drop all our worries. In the word it says, “don’t worry concerning what shall you eat or drink….” replace those with the things that relate to your current season of life. What is it that you worry about? Write them out.

As you've written out your worries look at verse 32
“For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly father KNOWS that you need them”

This verse assures us that God already knows our needs and all our hearts desires but in the next verse we are instructed “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” and he then will begin to align things according to HIS will. He is asking us to search for him; get in the word, talk to him, have an open heart to hear from him, and trust that he will fulfill our needs.

Lastly, verse 34 says, “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”

He wants all our focus to be on him. The enemy likes to get us to magnify our problems and make them bigger than God but God is telling us to keep our focus fixed on him and that only happens when we trust him and are intentional about walking daily surrender. What aspects of your life are you reluctant to take to the feet of Jesus? He is waiting and ready to bear your burdens, but you must release it to him.

Much love, B.


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