He’s doing a new thing!

I am doing a new thing, says the Lord - God may you open our hearts and eyes so that we may behold what you are doing before us. 

Today's piece is a strong declaration about what God is doing, even if you don't think he's doing anything. Isaiah 43 is one of the chapters in the bible that speaks of God's assurances to us - read last week's write-up "Blessed Assurance"

I love that this write-up is also coming at a time when we have entered a new season of spring! After a long winter, one that continues to drag a bit haha. I've experienced my first winter. Snow everywhere mixed with dirt - not pleasant to the eye. The sun shines yet, it's ice cold. Gloomy days here and there. It's better to be cooped up inside most days. 

This is sometimes how life feels and looks when God is doing his best work. Everything around you may feel dried up and lacking the vibrancy of life.

Isaiah 43:18-19 says...

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland."

I love this scripture because God invites us to fix our gaze on what he is doing in the present. Often we can get so caught up in the suffering of the past, shortcomings accompanied by a heavy weight of shame, even past successes - but I've got good news for you! God says to forget what was before and invites you to be aware of his delight in doing something new.

"Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" - I believe the scripture calls this out because God knows that we can often default to not looking in front of us, and we miss the seeds he's been planting and watering before us because we have our heads looking back at what has been. This is an invitation to a season of newness - spiritually and physically.

Now there's another angle to this call "forget the former things" - it's not all about suffering. We sometimes hinder ourselves by being so fixated on a miracle that happened, a previous success, or a holy encounter we had. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad thing. The scripture is not saying to erase these things from your memory. However, when we fixate like this, we don't allow room in our minds and hearts for God to move in a new way. We hear it in songs - "do it again, Lord," and yes he is the Lord of the "again," but he also has the desire to do something NEW in your life! 

"God is not saying that the past things are unimportant but only that He is the Living God and lives to make a difference every day of our lives."

“It is vital to embrace the new things God is doing; to let go of past opportunities, and prepare for the new things ahead.”

The wilderness is jagged, steep hills unfit to walk or even climb in many situations;  a wasteland is defined as "an unused area of land that has become barren or overgrown." Land that is considered too poor to be considered for sowing, yet, God says he is clearing a path for you to walk in that forsaken, jagged land and pouring out streams of water (LIFE) on land that has been deserted.

Pause for a moment and reflect on your current situation that is in dire need of a breakthrough and take a moment to envision the best possible scenarios that would make it better - God's promise to you will be an outpouring of life that exceeds every best case scenario you just pictured. It is important to remember that these circumstances are designed to shape and mold us into Christ.

Whether this word is speaking hope to a dead situation that needs hope for restoration or you're someone who needs to make room for God to do a new thing and not be limited to the past miracles he's done in your life, remember that the season of newness is not always comfortable and is often launched by a period of testing and preparation. But it is a beautifully humbling experience. Growth doesn’t happen without challenges. This is why we must trust in him fully to bring the journey to completion.

Awaken your faith and hope in Christ. He is eager to blow fresh winds behind the sails of this ship called life.

"We need to be brought to the end of our own resources. If we put our trust in the Lord, it is at this point that our faith is awakened. We can put our trust in Him to do the impossible." - Paul J. Bucknell

Lord, we are thankful for what has been, good and bad. We ask that you give us fresh eyes to see the new thing you have set before us and that we would lean into your helping hand and trust you fully, amen.


Alignment Matters


Blessed Assurance