Weary Heart In Need Of A Mighty God

God truth be told I'm tired.

The constant feeling of being overwhelmed.

The racing thoughts that never seem to end, Lord I need silence in my mind.

I need the noise to quiet.

I recognize that somewhere along the way I stopped sitting in your presence the same and ever since I've been trying to get back to the place of divine oneness with you.

Then I found myself emptily striving to attain a place I once was with you not recognizing that that may not be where you desire to meet me.

That the emotion of the last season is not what is needed in this season, and perhaps, you want to give me something fresh.

I unknowingly boxed you into what you showed up as in the last season.

Yesterday’s manna is not today's manna.

So here I am, weary heart in desperate need of a fresh wind from the mighty God of the universe.

A wind of your presence that will uplift my heavy-laden spirit.

A gust of wind that will send chills of life down to the core of my stale soul.

Revive me oh Lord.

Give me a fresh fire, ignited in my belly that is deeply rooted in your spirit.

Mighty God, the only one who can uplift my weary spirit.

Pour out your presence so that I may be made anew.

I will rest in your shadow.

Covered in your love and your grace. 


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