Learning to “Do less & Be more”
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve just written about life and its ups and downs. Honestly, the journey to getting back to writing has been a heck of a roller coaster. Going from doing something second nature to struggling to get back there has been quite frustrating.
This all started when I went into full-time ministry. I felt a sudden pressure to look like those around me, sound like them, minister like them, etc. I even felt the pressure to match the aesthetic of how people dressed. (Big waste of money, by the way, those clothes are long gone in goodwill LOL). It wasn’t until a little over a year in ministry that I realized I had lost myself. I was so shocked at how long had passed before I noticed. I stopped writing, singing, and ministering on my Instagram. The root of it all was the spirit of performance. The need to “impress”. At that moment, God reminded me very loudly that although he called me to the space I was in, he didn’t call me to fit the box of what I was surrounded by.
Shortly after this revelation, I went through a series of mini deliverances — that’s a testimony for another day but just know this had also been a hindrance to a lot of what I had struggled with over the course of that year. I finally started to feel like myself again but the journey of fully getting back there is one I’ve still been navigating. So many times over the last few months, I’ve vented to my husband about knowing that there are things God has put on my heart that I am struggling to do. Being frustrated that I was struggling with something that I used to do with so much ease.
Last night I sat in my living room worshipping and just truly seeking God’s face because I felt an immense desire for his presence and nearness. I cried out to God for direction. Poured out my heart’s worries and desires. I told God I felt I was lacking direction and felt that I had walls up for some reason. I prayed for guidance and for Him to lead me. As the word direction/guidance came out of my mouth the Lord immediately gave me the sentence “lamp to my feet.” This was the answer to my heart’s cry.
The answer was something I knew but had simply forgotten. If direction and wisdom are what I need, I needed to be in the word of God more. I needed to seek his presence more. Despite having knowledge of this, I found that I had been trying so hard to do all that He has put on my heart that I lost focus a bit on the need to be in a deep well of His presence without ceasing. A few years ago, I wrote a blog saying that my writing only comes from the overflow of time spent in the presence of God. The same goes for everything that comes out of my mouth, I don’t speak without direction and conviction. The Lord reminded me of a word he gave me years ago — March 2, 2020, to be exact. “DO LESS AND BE MORE.” I was so caught up in feeling guilty that I wasn’t doing the things I knew he had told me to but God rid me of the guilt and reminded me that above all the works of my hands, he values my place in his presence. Whatever purpose & vision I was pursuing to fulfill was not a necessity at the moment. He needed me to position myself in his presence to “be more” with him before I focus on the assignment ahead so that I may be fully equipped for what is ahead.
What exactly does it mean to do less and be more? Focus less on what you can do for God and focus more on seeking his face. Matthew 6:33 explains this best - “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” This scripture is very straightforward, no further explanation is needed. Going back to Psalm 119:105, if we are dwelling in the word of God our path will be lit before us and as we spend time with him we will have eyes to see where to step and wisdom to make decisions.
Thank you Jesus for the reminder that my number one priority above all else should always be to seek your face, delight in your presence, and be one with you. I pray that this encourages you. I challenge you to start making time for God in your day starting this week!