What would happen if you stood your ground in the midst of adversity?

Very recently I studied over these chapters from the book of Chronicles with my small group and it was heavy on my heart to share the things that you’re about to read. It will probably help to grab your Bible and read along with the verses while reading this blog. This isn’t necessary but suggested. Bear with me as you read along, for there is something for everyone to take from all of this.

“This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing what was good and right and faithful before the Lord his God. In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in OBEDIENCE to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so, he prospered.” 2 Chronicles 31:20-21

This scripture reminded me that in everything I “do unto the Lord,” I need to constantly check my heart. Hezekiah ensured that in everything he did, it was in obedience to God and within his commands, and through it all, he was consistently seeking God and doing these works wholeheartedly.

When walking in obedience to things God has instructed you to do, are you serving with a bitter heart or are you doing it wholeheartedly?

As I continued to read from chapters 31 to 32 this specific scripture stood to be the most powerful part of my reading:

Quick insight: Hezekiah has spent so much time serving God with all his heart and has continuously put God first --- the bible puts it this way “After all Hezekiah had so faithfully done…” --- His enemies invaded his city and intended to wage war on them.

In 2 Chronicles 32:8, he says this to his people in regard to their enemies: “with him (Hezekiah’s enemies) is only the arm of flesh; but with us (Hezekiah and his people) is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles. And the people gained confidence…”

While in the midst of tremendous battle Hezekiah and his people gain CONFIDENCE over their fear through remembering that they serve a God that fights for His children, a God that already has the victory. If you read my last blog, I mentioned how I found my strength in the midst of adversity through remembering that the God that I serve HAS MY BACK and has been faithful to me. As you read on you see the enemy threatening and attempting to get them to surrender….I’d like to pause for a quick moment and I need you to take note of what is happening…what takes place in Chronicles 32:13 is exactly what the enemy does in our lives, he fills our heads with negativity, past failures, and doubt all in hopes of getting us to quit and that is exactly where he wants us. Often times we don’t appreciate the struggle of the battle in the middle ---- the period where we continue to lean on our faith while waiting on God ---- oftentimes, the middle is where we allow ourselves to be defeated because we choose the easy way out rather than tending to our faith as a shepherd does to his sheep. We don’t protect it enough and we take the easy way out.

As we read on into verses 21-22, we see the fruit of the faith that Hezekiah and his people refused to let go of. Not only did God “ANNIHILATE”(it actually says this in the Bible) their enemies, shame was brought upon them and they turned their backs on each other.

“....He took care of them on EVERY side.”
2 chronicles 32:22

If only we would continue to trust God in the face of adversity; through the forces of opposition and doubt and rather be steadfast in our faith would we see His glory. If only we waited on the Lord and worked our middle season. Notice that Hezekiah didn’t approach God with entitlement simply because of the good works he did in Ch. 31 but instead he fixed his focus on trusting God despite his situation.

Dwell on this simple question: What would be different in your life right now if you simply didn’t quit on your faith?


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