Free Flowing Thoughts


There is blessing that comes with surrendering your brokenness.

Recently I’ve found myself thinking about where I’m at currently with life and reflecting on where I was exactly a year ago. I caught myself thinking... "God why can’t I catch a break? Exactly a year ago I was facing hardship and I feel like I’ve circled back around to the exact same spot. Why God?”. Very quickly I realized I needed to stop myself and reevaluate my thoughts. I had to walk through the hardship I experienced, and I couldn’t do that without being reminded how tremendously God worked in my life.

He literally went around and picked up my broken pieces one by one and molded me into who he wanted me to be. Yes, I experienced hard and sleepless nights but each day His peace oh so present. At times all I would was scream and when I was done, He comforted me, and His peace once again was present. He gave me a joy that became my strength when opposition came. I surrendered all my hurt, brokenness, and restlessness to Him, and He moved in such a way that nobody on this earth could ever comprehend. He stepped in and interceded for me. He showed me the greatest love that anyone can ever experience. A love that held me when I believed in the depths of my soul that I was broken beyond repair and there was absolutely no way my situation could be turned around. He stepped in and showed me what happens when I truly lay my pain at the foot of the cross.

It’s so crazy because I still cannot comprehend why He graced me so much and as His word says His grace is not something I can work to earn but it is a gift; I can’t explain it to anyone other than saying “this was my circumstance…. BUT GOD!” Because of that trial I became the person that I am today. God taught me so many lessons and my life can never be the same and I am forever grateful. Reflecting on all this made me realize that in my present situation, why should it be any different? The enemy works in such a way that he makes you believe you can’t overcome what seems like life’s worst obstacles and that God has forsaken us at our lowest point but the truth is and it says it in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

And again, in the book of Psalm 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” These words are the truth. They are the promises God has for us and I urge you to let these words marinate into your heart. My God promises to be present in every trial and just because it doesn’t seem like He’s there doesn’t mean isn’t working. I come to you all today because all those negative thoughts are all lies. As I write this, I have tears in my eyes because all I keep thinking about is the goodness of God that has carried me through.

When the enemy attacks, remember that God has a plan for you, He has a destiny that awaits with your name on it that nobody on this earth can steal away from you. I urge you to PRESS ON! When life hits, ground yourself in your word and hit it back ten times harder. No situation is too big for God. Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that the God we serve is ABLE to do immeasurably more than what we ask for. He is capable but you have to trust him. These words come from the depths of my heart because only I know what God has brought me through and all you see on the outside is His goodness and blessings flowing through, not my pain or my sleepless nights because His promise that awaited on the other side of my battle was fulfilled. There are blessings to be found when you carry your brokenness to the Lord. God, one day my testimony will be told in full and all Glory will be given to the God almighty. Press on, press on my friends. As a wise young lady recently said, “you may be pressed on every single side, but you are NOT crushed.” Submit your brokenness to God and watch Him reveal purpose within it.


What would happen if you stood your ground in the midst of adversity?


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