Is It Worth It?

Wow, it's been a while since I've shared any of my writing but today my heart was stirred and passion began to rise and I knew it was time to speak what the Lord weighed quite heavily.

Walking this walk of faith is not beans (meaning, it's not easy). I've grown so much since I started sharing on this blog and everyday I am reminded how dependent I need to be on God. Without Him I would be in shambles. A frequent statement people come to me with is "I want to grow but I'm not done having fun", "I don't want to miss out on life", "All my fun ends when I submit to being obedient to God" and the list goes on and today I was asked the question, "It's all worth it right?"
This question honestly wrecked me internally and I felt my heart flood with emotion. In that moment I had flashes of all that my walk with God has "cost me" and my answer was a thousand times YES. Not because it has been easy or I'm such a "good" christian but because I've truly found that what in a moment seems like it requires too much of me to give up is what later takes me deeper with God once I give my yes to trust His way and truly have Him trade my desire out for His.

This is what my heart remembers and truly believes.
Thank you Lord for the reminder that YOU are the reward.
Our achievements and crowns mean nothing compared to you.
All the things that require severance of ties and the decisions that seem so costly in the moment, the "price" that it costs me to walk with you is worth it.
Though my flesh may fight, my spirit rejoices and is filled with great joy for it knows that you are all I need and the reward I find in your presence could never compare to what the world offers. Though I may fall short, each fall draws me nearer to you and is proof that what the world portrays as sweet always ends with a bitter aftertaste.

Revelation 4:10-11
"...They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
"You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being."

This scripture is so powerful because they were seated on thrones with the crowns that were earned and yet they still laid it aside because even the deserved achievements are not more worth it than God. So Lord, when we forget this, may you impress the word of 1 Corinthians 15:10 on our hearts.....
"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect"
It's all worth it.


Stop partnering with the lies.


I Will NOT Be Crushed